Latvian Forest Company AB is a publicly traded, Swedish limited liability
company that offers private individuals and legal entities the opportunity
to invest in favorably valued forest property in Latvia.
Interim report Jan-June 2020
Period January-December 2019
Minutes kept at the Annual General Meeting of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ), org. 556789-0495, at 10.00, Monday, December 16, 2019 in Stockholm.
Read moreShareholders wishing to participate in the Meeting shall be included in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB ("VPC) and report their participation no later than Wednesday December 11, 2019.
Read moreParts of the acquisition have already been taken up and the remaining shall be taken later.
Read moreLFC informs that its past CEO and board member Fredrik Zetterström has called for arbitration against Latvian Forest Company AB regarding profit sharing corresponding to EUR 378,500.
Read moreAll shares in the subsidiaries have been sold, leading to a surplus of 10,803 TEUR
Today, Monday, July 1, 2019, is the record day to receive a dividend. According to a resolution of the Annual General Meeting dividend to the shareholders shall be paid EUR 0.54 per share or a total of EUR 11 075 973.
Read moreBook value of fixed assets amounts to 24,733.2 (21,924.3) TEUR
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ).
Shareholders of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ), org. No. 556789-0495, (the "Company") is hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 27, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. in Galjaden Fastigheter's premises on Linnégatan 18 in Stockholm.
Read moreLFC informs that Chairman of the Board, Ted Alvenius, is of a different opinion than the remaining Board of Directors regarding a transaction involving compensation for value increase in connection with the sale of all shares in the operating subsidiaries.
Read moreGaljaden Invest AB has increased its holding in Latvian Forest Company AB to 20.03%.
Read moreLatvian Forest Company has, in accordance with a resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting on March 27, 2019, completed the sale of all shares in SIA Latvijas mezu kompanija and Baltic Forest IV SIA.
Read moreNils Robert Persson has increased his holding in Latvian Forest Company AB.
Read moreLatvian Forest Company AB (publ) held the Extraordinary Annual General Meeting on March 27, 2019. The meeting resolved on the sale of all shares in the operating subsidiaries SIA Latvijas Mezu Kompaniju and Baltic Forest IV SIA to SCA Mezs Latvija, SIA
Read moreThe shareholders of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ), Reg. No. 556789-0495 ("The Company") are hereby summoned to the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 10.00 in Galjaden Fastigheter premises on Linnégatan 18, Stockholm.
Read moreLatvian Forest Company AB signs letter of intent with Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA with a view of selling the company’s operations by way of sale of all shares in the operating subsidiaries SIA Latvijas mezu kompanija and Baltic Forest IV, SIA. The total sale price is estimated to 26 000 000 Euro.
Read moreWe at Latvian Forest Company are proud supporters of orienteering in Latvia.
Read moreBronsstädet AB (556612-1124) has purchased 1.878.616 B-shares in Latvian Forest Company AB (publ). The ownership, after purchases, corresponds to 14.81 percent of capital and 14.01 percent of votes which makes Bronsstädet AB the largest shareholder in Latvian Forest Co.
Read moreFollowing the completion of its due diligence analyses, the Latvian Forest Company AB has decided to complete the previously announced acquisitions.
Read moreInterim report Jan-Mar 2020
(Parentheses data refer to the corresponding period last year)
Latvian Forest Company
Latvian Forest Company AB (publ) is a Swedish listed company that acquires and manages forest properties in Latvia. The three main foundations of the business are, in addition to forest being a sought-after real asset that grows on its own merits:
The expansion is financed by new share issues in stages as properties are acquired and the business develops. Through Latvian Forest being a partner in most properties, shareholders receive a good diversification. The activities carried out in the day-to-day forest sector generate the turnover needed to cover the company's costs over time and generate a surplus in the long term.
Latvian Forest Company AB has Euro as accounting currency and all reporting takes place in Euro. Trading in the share at Spotlight Stock Market takes place in Swedish kronor.
Status & property ownership
Investments in forest properties have been made continuously and holdings totaled 4,059 (10,614) hectares at the end of the period. Of these, 2,434 (8,060) hectares were forest and 1.625 (2,554) other land including 1,306 (1,943) hectares of agricultural land. At the same time, the total growing stock was estimated at approximately 400,000 (1,015,000) cubic meters after felling, purchases and sales of property. Of these, 132,000 cubic meters are immediately fellable.
Within the next 10 years, the company's management estimates that it will be able to fell 177,000 cubic meters. The company estimates that there is a total of 162 cubic meters of growing forest per hectare, which is 40 cubic meters more per hectare than in the portfolio sold to SCA last year. Close to 70% of the company's holdings consist of land types corresponding to Site productivity class IA, I and II. Only in 0.6% of the company's holdings, maintenance measures are prohibited due to nature conservation restrictions. More than 70% of the growing stock consists of the three most important types of wood, i.e. birch, pine and spruce. The average acquisition price was approximately EUR 21 per cubic meter, including the cost of acquiring agricultural land.
(Map of the existing property portfolio)
Of 1,306 hectares of agricultural land about 753 hectares of farmland is leased to local farmers with an average income of EUR 70/ha and year excluding VAT. The remainder consists mostly of naturally afforested land, which the company gradually converts into woodland by making new forest plans and implementing plantings of spruce. The existing growing stock on such land is, in a conservative view, 25,000 cubic meters. The company plans to convert 600 hectares of agricultural and other land into woodland within the next two years. The remaining agricultural land will be disposed of and the management estimates the price of agricultural land in each region at an average of EUR 2,500 per hectare, equivalent to approximately 1,880 TEUR. According to this assumption, the company has been able to acquire one cubic meter of standing forest for EUR 16/cubic meter. A detailed description is available on the company's website.
Turnover and earnings
Net sales for the period amounted to 14.8 (75.2) TEUR and mainly consist of lease income from agricultural land.
The estimated fair value of forest resources amounted to 4.02 (16.52) MEUR. In total, the value of forest land, other land and forest assets amounted to 10.16 (24.73) MEUR.
Further, the result is affected by normal costs for clearing, property-related costs such as new property measurements, inventory and stamping of stocks for felling, and certain costs associated with felling. Direct management costs during the third quarter were 29 TEUR.
The external costs consist to a large extent of purchased services related to forest management, other consultancy services such as accounting, auditing, legal advice, travel, rent and transport costs, etc. Variable costs for purchase commissions have partly been recorded as part of the acquisition cost of the individual properties and in these cases do not burden the result. Other variable allowances including management and clearing are recorded with raw material and supplies (previous cost of goods sold).
During the first quarter, the company had an extra 87.3 TEUR in legal expenses. These costs are attributed to the arbitration initiated by the company's former CEO Fredrik Zetterström against the company. Fredrik Zetterström demands compensation of 378 TEUR from Latvian Forest based on a profit-sharing agreement. The company has denied the claim in its entirety. Final hearings have been held and arbitration is expected on May 20, 2020.
Felling and clearing
The company has not carried out sale of standing forest timber, which had been planned for the first quarter of 2020, due to a continued weakening of the timber market at the beginning of the year. The situation deteriorated further because of the Corona crisis. Decision has been made to carry out felling of approx. 40,000 cubic meters after a noted improvement of the economic situation. The company has prepared the necessary documentation and applied for logging concessions of the above volume, which has been authorized by the Forest Board. The Board of Directors will evaluate the economic situation of timber products and will instruct the company management to carry out felling at the first signs of improvement.
A total of 10 hectares were cleared during the first quarter. The company management has planned to carry out planting of 68,360 spruce plants on 45.03 hectares during the second quarter. At the time of publication of this report, the lion´s share of the planting has already been carried out.
Timber and forest property market
As a repeat, it can be pointed out that forest properties in Latvia often consists of small properties of between 5 and 40 hectares. After the War of Independence (in the 1920s), land formerly owned by the Baltic nobility was distributed to those who participated in the War of Independence. As a rule, such a property included both a piece of productive agricultural land and some woodland. A family was supposed to be able to make a living on such a property. Latvian Forest buys such properties to create a more efficient use of the properties and to streamline the forestry business with regard to scalable finances.
Already during the end of 2019, the wood prices had fallen significantly because of a decrease in demand and abundant supply. On the Latvian timber market, wood prices decreased with 11-14 % in 2019 compared to the previous year. The situation deteriorated further since the spread of the Corona virus and various travel restrictions around the world. As a result, the market for timber exports stalled at the end of March and the beginning of April. At the same time, it has created favorable acquisition opportunities. Latvian Forest identifies several sources for the purchase of properties with advantageous outcome:
At the same time, company management has observed a strong interest in investing in other real assets from both institutional and private investors with an ability to pay. These investors predict that the economic measures initiated by world governments to save businesses and jobs will, in the longer term, create a situation for increased inflation rates. Forests and, to some extent, agricultural assets are the asset class with best chances of maintaining the value if inflation increases.
During the first quarter, no loans were taken, and no new share issues were carried out.
Financing strategy
Following comments from and probing among various shareholders and potential investors, the Board of Directors has decided that future financing in the form of share issues will primarily take place within the framework of share issues with preferential rights for existing shareholders. However, this does not prevent directed issues from being carried out e.g. in the case of the acquisition of property portfolios or in specific situations where a directed issue may be required. However, the aim is that existing shareholders should not be disadvantaged if a directed issue is carried out.
At the end of the period, the share capital amounted to EUR 2,297,307 divided into 80,000 Class-A shares and 20,431,061 Class-B shares. Class-A shares represent ten votes and Class-B shares one vote each. Each share represents 0.112 Euro (SEK 1.0) in share capital. According to the latest data, the five largest shareholders in terms of votes control 67.6% of the capital and 67.2% of the votes.
Significant events after the end of the period
The Board of Directors monitors developments regarding the Corona pandemic and continuously evaluates how this may affect the company's operations both short and long term. At present, it is not possible to make a reasonable assessment of the extent to which this will affect the business and thus the company's results and position going forward.
Next report
The interim report for the period January to June 2020 is scheduled for publication on August 21, 2020.
Annual Report and Annual General Meeting
Notice of The Annual General Meeting, June 29, 2020 has been issued and the Annual Report and related materials will be available no later than two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
Changes in Accounting Principles
Starting from January 1, 2018, the company practice IFRS 15, revenue from contracts with customers, with full retrospective approach. An entity recognises revenue when the customer receive control over purchased goods or services and can make use of it. The effect for the company is as good as none.
Note 1 - IFRS 15, Revenue from contracts with customers |
Jan - Mar 2020 |
Jan - Mar 2019 |
Felling rights |
0 |
43 |
Land, hunting and fishing rights |
0 |
6 |
Other |
15 |
4 |
Total |
15 |
53 |
- whereof net sales |
15 |
53 |
- whereof other revenue |
0 |
0 |
Time of revenue recognition |
Goods, services transferred to customer |
at a time |
15 |
53 |
Goods, services transferred to customer |
over time |
0 |
0 |
Latvian Forest Company AB has no performance commitments. |
For the most part, the company sells felling rights. These are then prepared by the company so that the buyer can start felling immediately. Almost everything the company sells is available to the customer at the same time as payment is made. This means that the customer receives full benefit of the goods or services directly upon payment.
About this report
This report has not been subject to special examination by the company's auditor.
Stockholm, 2020-05-22
For further information, please contact
Aleksandrs Tralmaks, CEO
Or visit our website:
YTD 2020 |
YTD 2019 |
Full year 2019 |
Net sales |
14.8 |
74.9 |
25.8 |
Other income |
2.9 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
Total revenue |
17.7 |
75.2 |
26.1 |
Raw materials and supplies |
-14.8 |
-35.6 |
0.0 |
Other external costs |
-361.9 |
-569.3 |
-956.8 |
Personnel expenses |
0.0 |
-11.9 |
-6.6 |
Depreciation and write-down |
-2.4 |
-0.1 |
0.0 |
Operating profit |
-361.4 |
-541.7 |
-937.3 |
Capital gains on property sales |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Operating profit |
-361.4 |
-541.7 |
375.6 |
Financial income |
0.0 |
0.8 |
10 890.1 |
Financial expenses |
-204.9 |
-34.4 |
-473.9 |
Net financial items |
-204.9 |
-33.6 |
10 416.2 |
Change in value forest |
863.4 |
0.0 |
1 312.9 |
Profit before tax |
297.1 |
-575.3 |
10 791.8 |
Current tax |
- |
- |
-2.9 |
Deferred taxes |
- |
- |
0.0 |
297.1 |
-575.3 |
10 788.9 |
31.03.2020 |
31.03.2019 |
31.12.2019 |
Average number of shares |
20 511 061 |
20 511 061 |
20 511 061 |
Number of shares |
20 511 061 |
20 511 061 |
20 511 061 |
Earnings per share, Euro |
0.014 |
-0.028 |
0.526 |
Equity per share, Euro |
0.680 |
1.117 |
0.665 |
Cash flow from operating activities per share, Euro |
-0,025 |
-0.022 |
-0.028 |
Share capital |
Other contributed capital |
Balanced results incl. profit for the year |
Total equity |
Equity January 1, 2019 |
2 297.3 |
11 764.8 |
9 417.4 |
23 479.5 |
Profit/loss for the period |
10 788.9 |
10 788.9 |
Correction for previously booked surplus values on biological fixed assets (forest) |
-9 544.5 |
-9 544.5 |
Dividend to shareholders |
-11 076.0 |
-11 076.0 |
Equity December 31, 2019 |
2 297.3 |
11 764.8 |
-414.2 |
13 647.9 |
Equity January 1, 2020 |
2 297.3 |
11 764.8 |
-414.2 |
13 647.9 |
Profit/loss for the period |
297.1 |
297.1 |
Equity March 31, 2020 |
2 297.3 |
11 764.8 |
-117.1 |
13 945.0 |
31.03.2020 |
31.03.2019 |
Full year 2019 |
Assets |
Forest and other land |
6 120.7 |
8 210.7 |
5 505.1 |
Biological assets, growing forest |
4 022.2 |
16 516.5 |
3 155.2 |
Equipment |
- |
0.7 |
- |
Right of use |
12.9 |
- |
15.3 |
Deposits |
5.3 |
5.3 |
119.8 |
Total fixed assets |
10 161.1 |
24 733.2 |
8 795.4 |
Accounts receivable |
9.8 |
23.7 |
9.8 |
Short-term receivables |
421.2 |
145.8 |
29.3 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
3 786.3 |
220.3 |
4 956.2 |
Total current assets |
4 217.3 |
389.8 |
4 995.3 |
14 378.4 |
25 123.0 |
13 790.7 |
Equity |
13 945.0 |
22 904.2 |
13 647.9 |
Provisions for right of use |
12.9 |
- |
15.3 |
Interest-bearing short-term liabilities |
- |
2 062.9 |
- |
Accounts payable |
354.5 |
66.2 |
59.4 |
Other liabilities, non-interest-bearing |
27.0 |
8.6 |
6.3 |
Accrued expenses and prepaid income |
39.0 |
81.1 |
61.8 |
Total liabilities |
420.5 |
2 218.8 |
127.5 |
14 365.5 |
25 123.0 |
13 790.7 |
Collateral securities |
0.0 |
1 764.10 |
0.00 |
Solidity |
97.0% |
91.2% |
99.0% |
Debt/equity ratio |
0.03 |
0.10 |
0.01 |
31.03.2020 |
31.03.2019 |
Full year 2019 |
Operating profit |
-361.4 |
-541.7 |
-937.3 |
Adjustments for non-cash items: |
- Depreciation and write-down |
2.4 |
0.1 |
2.1 |
- Interest received |
0.0 |
0.8 |
86.6 |
- Interest paid |
-0.1 |
-14.5 |
-12.2 |
Translation difference of earnings in foreign currency |
- |
- |
-8.5 |
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital |
-359.1 |
-555.3 |
-869.3 |
Cash flow from changes in working capital |
-101.3 |
165.9 |
285.7 |
Cash flow from operating activities |
-460.4 |
-389.4 |
-583.6 |
Investment activities |
Sale/Purchase of land +/- |
-615.6 |
-108.7 |
2 596.9 |
Sale/Purchase of biological fixed assets +/- |
-3.6 |
-44.5 |
15 888.7 |
Machinery and equipment |
- |
- |
0.8 |
Deposits received |
114.5 |
- |
-114.5 |
Cash flow from investment activities |
-504.7 |
-153.2 |
18 371.9 |
Financing activities |
Dividend to shareholders |
- |
- |
-11 076.0 |
Change in loans |
- |
307.0 |
-1 758.8 |
Cash flow from financing activities |
0.0 |
307.0 |
-12 834.8 |
-965.1 |
-235.6 |
4 953.5 |
Net Cash at the beginning of the year |
4 956.2 |
455.9 |
455.9 |
Exchange rate change in cash and cash equivalents |
-204.8 |
- |
-453.2 |
Cash flow for the year as above |
-965.1 |
-235.6 |
4 953.5 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
3 786.3 |
220.3 |
4 956.2 |
Parent Company Income Statement (TEUR) |
YTD 2020 |
YTD 2019 |
Full year 2019 |
Net sales |
- |
15.9 |
17.1 |
Other external costs |
-331.8 |
-490.7 |
-923.2 |
Personnel expenses |
- |
- |
-1.9 |
Operating profit |
-331.8 |
-474.8 |
-908.0 |
Profit from financial investments |
Financial income |
15.5 |
78.2 |
10 901.6 |
Financial expenses |
-204.9 |
-22.3 |
-473.9 |
Net financial items |
-189.4 |
55.9 |
10 427.7 |
Profit after financial items |
-521.2 |
-418.9 |
9 519.7 |
-521.2 |
-418.9 |
9 519.7 |
Parent Company Balance Sheet (TEUR) |
31.03.2020 |
31.03.2019 |
Full year 2019 |
Assets |
Shares in subsidiaries |
7 962.8 |
6 073.9 |
2.9 |
Receivable group companies |
447.0 |
9 380.9 |
7 571.5 |
Deposits |
5.3 |
5.3 |
5.3 |
Total fixed assets |
8 415.1 |
15 460.1 |
7 579.7 |
Short-term receivables |
81.2 |
40.7 |
15.1 |
Cash and bank |
3 395.4 |
146.2 |
4 812.3 |
Total current assets |
3 476.6 |
186.9 |
4 827.4 |
11 891.7 |
15 647.0 |
12 407.1 |
Equity |
11 857.5 |
13 516.0 |
12 378.7 |
Interest-bearing short-term liabilities |
- |
2 062.9 |
- |
Other liabilities |
18.3 |
46.0 |
10.4 |
Accrued expenses and prepaid income |
15.9 |
22.1 |
18.0 |
Total liabilities |
34.2 |
2 131.0 |
28.4 |
11 891.7 |
15 647.0 |
12 407.1 |
Solidity |
99.7% |
86.4% |
99.8% |
31.03.2020 |
31.03.2019 |
Full year 2019 |
Operating profit |
-331.8 |
-474.8 |
-908.0 |
Adjustment for non-cash items: |
- Interest received |
15.5 |
78.2 |
98.1 |
- Interest paid |
-0.1 |
-2.4 |
-12.2 |
- Translation difference of earnings in foreign currency |
- |
- |
-8.5 |
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital |
-316.4 |
-399.0 |
-830.6 |
Cash flow from changes in working capital |
-60.3 |
2 043.4 |
-13.6 |
Cash flow from operating activities |
-376.7 |
1 644.4 |
-844.2 |
Investment activities |
Sales/Buy of shares in subsidiaries +/- |
-7 959.9 |
- |
16 874.5 |
Cash flow from investment activities |
-7 959.9 |
0.0 |
16 874.5 |
Financing activities |
Dividend to shareholders |
- |
- |
-11 076.0 |
Increase/decrease of receivables group companies +/- |
7 124.5 |
-1 741.2 |
68.2 |
Cash flow from financing activities |
7 124.5 |
-1 741.2 |
-11 007.8 |
-1 212.1 |
-96.8 |
5 022.5 |
Net Cash at the beginning of the year |
4 812.3 |
243.0 |
243.0 |
Cash flow for the year as above |
-1 212.1 |
-96.8 |
5 022.5 |
Exchange rate change in cash and cash equivalents |
-204.8 |
- |
-453.2 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
3 395.4 |
146.2 |
4 812.3 |
Interim report Jan-June 2020
Period January-December 2019
Minutes kept at the Annual General Meeting of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ), org. 556789-0495, at 10.00, Monday, December 16, 2019 in Stockholm.
Read moreShareholders wishing to participate in the Meeting shall be included in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB ("VPC) and report their participation no later than Wednesday December 11, 2019.
Read moreParts of the acquisition have already been taken up and the remaining shall be taken later.
Read moreLFC informs that its past CEO and board member Fredrik Zetterström has called for arbitration against Latvian Forest Company AB regarding profit sharing corresponding to EUR 378,500.
Read moreAll shares in the subsidiaries have been sold, leading to a surplus of 10,803 TEUR
Today, Monday, July 1, 2019, is the record day to receive a dividend. According to a resolution of the Annual General Meeting dividend to the shareholders shall be paid EUR 0.54 per share or a total of EUR 11 075 973.
Read moreBook value of fixed assets amounts to 24,733.2 (21,924.3) TEUR
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ).
Shareholders of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ), org. No. 556789-0495, (the "Company") is hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 27, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. in Galjaden Fastigheter's premises on Linnégatan 18 in Stockholm.
Read moreLFC informs that Chairman of the Board, Ted Alvenius, is of a different opinion than the remaining Board of Directors regarding a transaction involving compensation for value increase in connection with the sale of all shares in the operating subsidiaries.
Read moreGaljaden Invest AB has increased its holding in Latvian Forest Company AB to 20.03%.
Read moreLatvian Forest Company has, in accordance with a resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting on March 27, 2019, completed the sale of all shares in SIA Latvijas mezu kompanija and Baltic Forest IV SIA.
Read moreNils Robert Persson has increased his holding in Latvian Forest Company AB.
Read moreLatvian Forest Company AB (publ) held the Extraordinary Annual General Meeting on March 27, 2019. The meeting resolved on the sale of all shares in the operating subsidiaries SIA Latvijas Mezu Kompaniju and Baltic Forest IV SIA to SCA Mezs Latvija, SIA
Read moreThe shareholders of Latvian Forest Company AB (publ), Reg. No. 556789-0495 ("The Company") are hereby summoned to the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 10.00 in Galjaden Fastigheter premises on Linnégatan 18, Stockholm.
Read moreLatvian Forest Company AB signs letter of intent with Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA with a view of selling the company’s operations by way of sale of all shares in the operating subsidiaries SIA Latvijas mezu kompanija and Baltic Forest IV, SIA. The total sale price is estimated to 26 000 000 Euro.
Read moreWe at Latvian Forest Company are proud supporters of orienteering in Latvia.
Read moreBronsstädet AB (556612-1124) has purchased 1.878.616 B-shares in Latvian Forest Company AB (publ). The ownership, after purchases, corresponds to 14.81 percent of capital and 14.01 percent of votes which makes Bronsstädet AB the largest shareholder in Latvian Forest Co.
Read moreFollowing the completion of its due diligence analyses, the Latvian Forest Company AB has decided to complete the previously announced acquisitions.
Read more